It’s easy to understand that keeping our gums, the tissue surrounding the roots of our teeth, healthy is important. But it can be less obvious on how to monitor that health.

Your gum health is not only important to your oral health, but it can also be an indication of diseases elsewhere in the body if unhealthy. So here are some things you can examine on your own to bring you peace of mind or show you areas to improve.

What Healthy Gums Look Like

Healthy gums are typically light pink in color, lacking the red that characterizes inflamed gums. They shouldn’t be receded from teeth, exposing part of their roots, which can be caused by plaque buildup or overbrushing. 

Healthy gums are also firm & do not bleed on light touching. While gums are naturally sensitive & pricking them at home isn’t a good idea, brushing shouldn’t lead to bleeding. 

Finally, healthy gums should be free of infection. This may not always be the case in what otherwise would be healthy gums, such as experiencing canker sores or a laceration from physical activity, but prolonged cuts that do not heal should be seen by a medical professional. 

How Your Dentist Can Help

Do your gums seem unhealthy given these criteria? Not to worry, your dentist can help. While gum disease when left to advance to periodontitis, there are ways to reduce symptoms & maintain a healthy smile & quality of life.

A deep cleaning may be needed for gums that are experiencing periodontitis. This involves cleaning under the gumline, but is otherwise very similar to a regular cleaning. If gingivitis, a less serious disease, is more the issue your dentist may schedule you for more than your regular two cleanings a year. They may also recommend certain mouthwashes & rinsing schedules in addition to regular brushing & flossing.

In either case, it’s best to adhere to your dentist’s recommendations, as progressively worse gums can lead to tooth loss. Without your gums to protect your teeth’s roots, they can be exposed to bacteria that accelerates tooth decay. Even worse, unhealthy gums can be an early indicator of disease in the rest of your body.

While some gum issues do stem from other ailments & may require a doctor to treat, many of these, such as malnutrition & ingesting toxic items, have become less common as our knowledge of our body advances. Still, a healthy diet is also a great way to keep your gums healthy. 

Call your dentist today if you have questions on gum health. They will be able to create a custom plan to keep you healthy & smiling your best.



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