Smile Gallery
View photos of dental procedures performed at Northstar Family Dentistry.
Cosmetic Bonding
This patient underwent previous orthodontic treatment which aligned her teeth. However, several teeth were still uneven & chipped.
With cosmetic bonding, no tooth structure was removed & this treatment was completed without any local anesthetic. The upper front teeth were simply cosmetically bonded with white composite material to achieve more ideal contours & lengths, ultimately resulting in an aesthetic smile.
Cosmetic bonding can be a way to treat spaces & gaps in teeth within minutes.
Instead of this patient undergoing months or years of orthodontic treatment, we opted to perform cosmetic bonding to treat the diastema (or space) between her two front teeth.
No tooth structure was removed & no shots necessary! Within 20 minutes, this patient was able to have the space between her front teeth treated to achieve an aesthetic & balanced smile.
Lateral Dental Veneers
Porcelain dental veneers can be the answer to improve twisted or misplaced teeth.
In this case, the lateral incisors (teeth next to the two front teeth) were rotated & too short. For a long-term result, the patient opted to treat these teeth with porcelain veneers.
The veneers required just two visits to complete. On the 1st visit, the teeth were prepared to be able to accept the veneers. The patient left with temporary veneers & returned 2 weeks later to have the final restorations completed.
The final result is a beautiful, balanced smile.
A bridge is also known as a fixed partial denture. It can be used to replace spaces of missing teeth by anchoring on teeth on either side. A bridge is cemented in place & is not removed by the patient. In this example, the 4 front mandibular teeth were severely damaged by wear & periodontal disease.
After the damaged teeth were extracted, the teeth anchoring the bridge, also known as abutments, were prepared for crowns & a temporary was placed. 2 weeks later, this final bridge was cemented.
The final result is even, perfectly aligned teeth that will function for years to come.
Dental Bridge
This patient had several teeth that were severely decayed & ultimately not restorable.
The patient chose to have the damaged teeth extracted & to have an overdenture made. An overdentures used to go over teeth that are salvageable to improve retention.
The overdenture was made in advance so on the day the patient’s damaged teeth were removed, the denture was immediately placed so that the patient never experienced the inconvenience of missing teeth.
This overdenture allowed the patient to seamlessly be treated & ultimately achieve a much more aesthetic & functional result.
Anterior Dental Crowns
This patient had several teeth that were severely decayed & ultimately not restorable.
The patient chose to have the damaged teeth extracted & to have an overdenture made. An overdenture is used to go over teeth that are salvageable to improve retention.
The overdenture was made in advance so on the day the patient’s damaged teeth were removed, the denture was immediately placed so that the patient never experienced the inconvenience of missing teeth.
This overdenture allowed the patient to seamlessly be treated & ultimately achieve a much more aesthetic & functional result.
Dental Veneers: Partial Denture
In this case, the patient was very unhappy with an old upper denture & lower partial as well as damaged lower front teeth.
The treatment plan called for 5 anterior veneers, a new maxillary denture, & a new mandibular partial.
The anterior veneers allowed the patient to achieve a much lighter color as well as a perfect alignment. A new maxillary denture was fabricated to go with a new state of the art mandibular partial with no metal clasps.
The final result is beautiful & functional.
Lateral Veneers
This rotated & spaced left lateral tooth was something that bothered this patient about her smile for years.
In 2 weeks, we were able to treat this rotation with a porcelain veneer to achieve a straight, beautiful, & natural smile.
In the past, this patient’s short & thin lateral teeth were treated with cosmetic bonding to achieve a more balanced smile. However, over time, the bonding had to be redone as it would accumulate staining or become chipped. For a more long-term solution, this patient was treatment planned for 2 lateral porcelain veneers.
The final result is a beautiful & seamless solution. These porcelain veneers will not stain or change color with time. They are also extremely durable & less susceptible to chipping due to grinding.
Dental Veneers
This patient’s 4 maxillary incisors were stained from previous trauma as well as misaligned resulting in some spacing when smiling. In order to achieve a uniform color & improved alignment, 4 maxillary anterior porcelain veneers were treatment planned.
The final result is excellent. Not only are the stained & damaged teeth completely transformed, but the spacing due to the poor alignment has also been treated leading to a straight & brilliant smile.
The chief complaint for this patient was the fact that regardless of how much bleaching she did, her teeth simply would not lighten to the color she desired. Part of this was due to previous fillings in her front teeth that are not able to change in color.
6 porcelain veneers were prepared & cemented to a natural & beautiful white smile that the patient can be proud of.
The maxillary anterior teeth are now ideal in terms of color & contour.
6 Unit Dental Bridge
Cracked, decayed, & damaged front lower teeth caused pain & discomfort for this patient for years. The treatment plan called for 4 extractions & a 6 unit bridge to restore the space.
4 extractions & 2 weeks later, we were able to restore these teeth so they not only look good, but more importantly, they are now functional.